Jardin botanique de Montréal (JBM)
Project name: Trinational Monarch Knowledge Network
Dataset summary : The Jardin botanique de Montréal or Montreal Botanical Garden, is one of four municipal scientific museums committed to biodiversity and sustainable development. The botanical garden has approximately 22,000 taxa (species and cultivars) in culture in its 30 or so exterior thematic gardens and 10 exhibition greenhouses. The major exterior gardens include an arboretum, an alpine garden, a perennial and shade garden as well as Chinese, Japanese and First Nations Gardens. Greenhouses contain extensive orchid, aroid, begonia, gesneriad, bromeliad, succulent and fern collections. This dataset contains only the living and location non-sensitive specimens of the collection.
Dataset Stats:
Records | n/a |
Locations | n/a |
Taxa | n/a |
Date Range | - |
Access Level | Level 5 |
Code | GBIF_7A7244FC |
BMDE version | BMDE-MKN-2.00 |
Last updated | 22/04/23 |