DMNH Birds
Project name: Global Biodiversity Information Facility datasets
Dataset summary : The bird collection consists of approximately 67,000 study skins, 2,500 spread wings and 9,000 skeletons. The holdings represent about 4,000 bird species. About 140 taxa are in the type collection. The collection, worldwide in scope, has especially strong holdings of Philippine and Central and South American birds. Extinct species are also represented. Formation of the collection began when the Museum was founded in 1957. Among the collections that can be found here are those of George Miksch Sutton, Allan R. Phillips, Olin S. Pettingill, D.S. Rabor, M. Hachisuka and specimens from Charles Sibley's expeditions in 1975-1977 .
Dataset Stats:
Records | 1,069 |
Locations | 0 |
Taxa | 246 |
Date Range | 1886 - 1989 |
Access Level | Level 5 |
Code | GBIF_C21CD435 |
BMDE version | BMDE2.00 |
Last updated | 22/04/23 |