Mountain Bird Watch

Birds Canada

Project name: Mountain Bird Watch

Goals : To provide critical information about the population trends of, and habitat use of, some high elevation birds across Atlantic Canada.

Dataset summary : Annual monitoring of high elevation bird species to provide critical information about the population trends of, and habitat use of, some high elevation birds across Atlantic Canada.

Year started : 2002

Season(s) and frequency : once per year during the month of June

Frequency : Annually

Geographic area covered : New Brunswick and Nova Scotia

Type(s) of habitat : high elevations

Primary species covered : Bicknell's Thrush, Swainson's Thrush, Winter Wren, Blackpoll Warbler, White-throated Sparrow and Fox Sparrow

Field methods : Each survey route is 1 km in length, and has 5 stops 250m apart; at each stop, surveyors spend 10 minutes listening silently for target species. Each route is monitored at least once per year during the month of June, 1 hour before sunrise or at sunset.

Sample size : at least 67 different routes in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia from the 4th to the 25th of June