Maritimes Nest Record Scheme

Birds Canada

Canadian Wildlife Service

Project name: Project NestWatch

Goals : Project NestWatch is aimed at following the health of bird populations through long-term monitoring of nesting activity across Canada. Data gathered from this project will provide valuable information on the state of the wider environment, as birds are good indicators of the state of the habitat they live in. With data gathered through Project NestWatch, we can: Monitor changes in clutch size, nesting success and predation rates over time and relate these changes to long-term modifications in habitat or climate (e.g., global warming); Evaluate the impact of predators on nesting success; Document basic breeding biology such as nesting habitat, nest site selection, incubation period, renesting, etc.; document the breeding distribution of birds in Canada.

Dataset summary : Project NestWatch is aimed at following the health of bird populations through long-term monitoring of nesting activity across Canada. Data gathered from this project will provide valuable information on the state of the wider environment, as birds are good indicators of the state of the habitat they live in.

Geographic area covered : Maritimes

Primary species covered : All species of breeding birds