About us

NatureCounts is an open data platform by Birds Canada that collects, interprets, and shares biodiversity data. It is a critical link between those who collect data and those who can use it for conservation and research.

Good, accessible data is key to reversing population declines and halting biodiversity loss. NatureCounts aims to get the right data into the hands of the right people to make a difference.

248 million records
35,000 Data downloads
4,000 Supported publications
924 Datasets
How it works
NatureCounts Drives Conservation Through Data
NatureCounts serves a diverse group of people. Data contributors collect or share data through the NatureCounts platform. Data users access those data for research and conservation, either in its raw form or through analyses and decision-support tools.
Citizen Scientists and researchers collect data.
NatureCounts tools help transform data into knowledge.
Conservation actors use these data and tools to help birds and their habitats.
NatureCounts is

Sharing data for conservation research

With hundreds of millions of biodiversity records, NatureCounts is an invaluable tool for researchers and conservation actors.
Explore NatureCounts data
NatureCounts is

Supporting data collection

NatureCounts supports Citizen Science and research projects by facilitating easy, reliable data collection with innovative tools like the NatureCounts app.
Explore citizen science projects
NatureCounts is

Archiving biodiversity data

NatureCounts securely hosts both new and historic biodiversity data, facilitating access and safeguarding the data for future use.
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NatureCounts is

Empowering people for conservation

NatureCounts aims to provide the information, tools, and resources that users need to be effective in their conservation work.
Visit the NatureCounts learning hub
NatureCounts News & Updates
NatureCounts on The Warblers

Learn what NatureCounts is, how it works, and why it matters on this episode of The Warblers podcast.

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The App Gets Better

The NatureCounts app is new and improved with the recent release of version 6.0. Learn what's new in this Birds Canada blog post:

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New Tools for Accessing Data

New tools on the NatureCounts website make it easier than ever to access data. Learn how to get started in this short video.

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Supported By

NatureCounts aims to provide free and open access to software and data to drive conservation action. Major support for the development and maintanance of the NatureCounts platform has been provided by: