Bird Monitoring Data Exchange

Field Name Description
NestRecordIdentifier Unique number for this nest record. A nest record is usually synonym to a single nesting attempt by a breeding pair. New nesting attempts following a complete brood failure should ideally be treated as separate and have their own unique identifier, even if the same nesting site is reused.
NestNumber Alphanumeric code used to refer to the nest (eg, nest box number, etc.). The field number does not have to be unique and can be reused among year or among nesting attempts, for instance. If also providing banding data using the BMDE banding extension, this field can be used to link to the CapturedTrapNumber field.
AdultIdentifier A number or alphanumerical code (e.g. a band number or a color marker number) identifying one or both parents. If both parents are marked, or if an individual has more than one marker, they can be entered as a comma-delimated list (eg, male: 1234-12345, female: 1234-12346).
NestSiteDescription Text description of the nest site
NestType Type of nest
NestHeight Height (m) of the nest from the ground
NestCavityOrientation Cardinal direction of the cavity
BroodParasiteScientificName Scientific name of brood parasite if applicable. Use "Unknown" if the identify of the parasite species cannot be determined with confidence.
TotalDailyNestExposure Total number of known days of exposure for the nest, based on multiple visits (number of days during which the nest was known or presumed to be active). Guidelines for calculating exposure can be found in Manolis et al. (2: Auk 117:615-626)
TotalNumberVisits Total number of visits to the nest
FinalNestSuccessCode Final outcome of the nest (excluding outcome for brood parasite)
LayingDate Laying date (date of the first egg), in ISO 861 format (YYYY-MM-DD)
LayingDateUncertainty Uncertainty associated with LayingDate (decimal days)
HatchingDate Hatching date (date of the first egg), in ISO 861 format (YYYY-MM-DD)
HatchingDateUncertainty Uncertainty associated with HatchingDate (decimal days)
FledgingDate Fledging date (date of the first young fledged), in ISO 861 format (YYYY-MM-DD)
FledgingDateUncertainty Uncertainty associated with FledgingDate (decimal days)
ClutchSize Clutch size (number of eggs known to have been laid). Clutch size should ideally only be provided when there is a good degree of confidence (eg, nest found during laying)
ClutchSizeUncertainty Uncertainty associated with ClutchSize (number of eggs)
NumberUnhatchedEggs Number of eggs that failed to hatch
NumberYoungFledged Number of young successfully fledged from the nest
ColonyIdentifier Unique number for this colony.
ColonyTotalNests Number of nests observed (or estimated) within the colony (including active, inactive and unknown)
ColonyTotalNestsAtLeast Low value of a range for the estimated total number of nests within the colony (including active, inactive and unknown)
ColonyTotalNestsAtMost High value of a range for the estimated number of active nests within the colony (including active, inactive and unknown)
ColonyActiveNests Number of active nests observed (or estimated) within the colony.
ColonyActiveNestsAtLeast Low value of a range for the estimated number of active nests within the colony
ColonyActiveNestsAtMost Low value of a range for the estimated number of active nests within the colony
ColonySurveyMethod Survey method used to estimate the colony size (eg, aerial photograph, ground estimate, etc.)
NestReuse Whether the current nest site is being reused from an earlier attempt within the same season (Yes or No) or a NestRecordIdentifier of a previous nesting attempt.