You must have a login name in order to register to a project. If the login name you select is already taken, you will be asked to provide a new one. If you have already registered for another project on the NatureCount site, we encourage you to reuse the same login. You can use this page to log in, add then go to your profile to register to this project. If you forgot your password, you can ask to reset it here.
Please enter your password below.
I agree that the following partners may contact me about other conservation news and issues. Please allow up to 4 weeks for the changes to be implemented.
GPS tracks are only available for some projects (e.g. from the mobile app), and provide valuable optional details of your movement during your surveys, including habitats surveyed, etc. If you prefer, you can turn off the GPS tracks entirely during your data submission.
If you are sharing media files (e.g. photos and recordings), please indicate the default license under which other users may be able to user your media. Note that you can also apply a different license for individual media at the time of upload, and that media files already uploaded will not be affected by this change.
Project registration typically only applies to participants who need to submit or manage their observations with NatureCounts, or to access participant material for conducting the surveys. You are not required to register to a project simply to access data through the data request page.
By clicking on the Register button below, you confirm that you wish to register as a participant to "Saskatchewan Breeding Bird Atlas". and that you have read and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this project.
I only need a NatureCounts login, and I do not require to join as a participant to the project "Saskatchewan Breeding Bird Atlas".
If you already know the main region(s) in which you will be surveying for this project, please select them from this list. An email containing your name and contact information will be automatically forwarded to the regional coordinator(s) for the regions you select below.
For a map showing the region boundaries, please click here.