Pittsburg State University, Theodore M. Sperry Herbarium

Project name: Trinational Monarch Knowledge Network

Dataset summary : The ca. 60,000 specimens document the distribution and natural variation of vascular plants and bryophytes, primarily those of Kansas, adjacent states, and North America, excluding ca. 10,000 backlogged specimens. Many specimens are unicates. Important additional holdings from abroad include the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Peru, Myrtaceae (mostly Madagascar and New Caledonia), Poaceae (worldwide), and 16 isotypes. Ca. 5800 collections of North American bryophytes are data based on the Consortium of North American Bryophytes website (<a href="https://bryophyteportal.org">https://bryophyteportal.org</a>) but hundreds or thousands outside of N. Amer. are backlogged. Over ten percent of the collections are vouchers for published research. Ornamental (non-native) occurrences are not data based. Student and volunteer curatorial assistance, and well as generous financial support from the National Science Foundation (CSBR 1756276), are gratefully acknowledged.