Royal Ontario Museum Green Plant Herbarium (TRT)

Project name: Trinational Monarch Knowledge Network

Dataset summary : The Green Plant Herbarium holds in excess of 370,000 accessioned vascular plants. The collection, formerly at the University of Toronto, is now owned by the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) Department of Natural History. The Green Plant Herbarium comprises the former Vascular Plant Herbarium (also TRT) and the bryological collections that were housed in the Cryptogamic Herbarium (TRTC), hence the change of name. TRT also houses the algae that were formerly held at TRTC. Important collections include those of H. V. Begley, C. D. Bird, H. H. Brown, T. J. W. Burgess, R. F. Cain, P. M. Catling, F. Cook, T. A. Dickinson, J.-P. Frahm, F. C. Fyre, S. Hattori, M. Heimburger, J. C. Krug, M. Landon, D. A. Leadbeater, J. Macoun, S. McKay-Kuja, J. K. Morton (personal herbarium, North American material), E. A. Moxley, J. B. Phipps, J. Riley, V. Schiffner, W. Scott, J. H. Soper, T. M. C. Taylor, J. Walker, W. Watson, A. White, J. White, and R. E. Whiting.