The State of Canada's Birds uses the best available information from many different monitoring programs to assess the status of each species of bird that breeds or occurs regularly in Canada. These results are available as individual species accounts and in a comprehensive report that outlines how various groups of species are faring. Here, we provide the detailed methods used to create the species accounts and report.
For a brief overview of the species accounts, please see How to Read a Species Account.
1. Methods for The State of Canada's Birds Species Accounts
1.1. Status and Trends
Determining Population Change Relative to 1970
One of the main goals of The State of Canada's Birds is to provide a species-level assessment of how bird populations in Canada have changed over the long term, with a measure of how confident we are in that assessment based on the reliability of the information available to us. The methods for determining population change and survey reliability are adapted from Blancher et al. (2009), which assessed the population status of forest birds in Ontario.
We selected the year 1970 (or as close as data allow) as a baseline because it is the earliest year for which sufficient systematic and large-scale monitoring data are available to perform reliable trend analysis for most species. However, 1970 may not be an appropriate reference point for all species. For example, some raptors and waterbirds experienced dramatic declines in the 1950s and 1960s due to the pesticide DDT, and were at very low levels in 1970. Conversely, there are other species for which systematic monitoring did not begin until 1980 or later We took these factors into consideration when doing our assessments and establishing population goals. For simplicity, reference to 1970 in the methods is meant to refer to the start of survey coverage, though it may be later for some species.
Data Sources
Survey data are needed to inform the population change categories used in our assessments. NatureCounts hosts over 450,000 regional and national population trend estimates from 24 monitoring programs.
The State of Canada's Birds primarily relies on trends derived from surveys that provide annual indices over a long-term period (see Table 1), as these allow for the most quantitative interpretation of change relative to 1970. However, other sources can provide additional insight, for example provincial breeding bird atlases or data from the Canadian Migration Monitoring Network. We also use species-specific surveys or sources from the published literature where appropriate and available.
Breeding Bird Atlases |
American Woodcock Singing-ground Survey |
Eastern Population Barrow’s Goldeneye Winter Survey |
Breeding Bird Survey |
Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey of the Central Interior Plateau of B.C. |
BC Coastal Waterbird Survey |
Christmas Bird Count |
Canadian Lakes Loon Survey |
Canadian Migration Monitoring Stations |
Spring/Fall Staging Surveys |
Eastern Waterfowl Breeding Ground Survey |
Alberta Ferruginous Hawk Inventory |
Great Lakes Decadal Colonial Waterbird Census |
Spring Greater Snow Goose Survey |
Mountain Birdwatch/High Elevation Landbird Program |
Lincoln Estimates of Population Size |
Midwinter Surveys |
Marsh Monitoring Program |
Nocturnal Owl Surveys |
International Piping Plover Census |
PRISM - Shorebird Migration Monitoring |
Raptor Population Index |
Seabird Colony Monitoring Program |
Southern Ontario Waterfowl Plot Survey |
Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey in Western Canada and the Northwestern United-States |
Whooping Crane abundance estimates on wintering grounds |
Assessing Population Trends
To determine long-term population change for each species (from 1970 to the most recent year available), we examine all available monitoring program results and select the most reliable data source for that species (see Survey Reliability below). We designate this source as the Main Survey and use it to categorize the change into one of five categories ranging from Large Decrease to Large Increase (see Population Change Categories below). If additional surveys contribute context and information, they are designated as Supporting Surveys and used as a basis for confirming or adjusting our confidence in the assessment based on the Main Survey (see Confidence in Population Change Categories below). If no surveys are available, we designate the species as Data Deficient (see Population Change Categories for details).
Survey Reliability
We assess the reliability of each survey to determine whether it is an appropriate source of data for a given species, and which survey provides the best basis for evaluating population change relative to 1970.
We determine the reliability of each survey by considering:
- the precision of the trend (see Survey Precision below)
- the survey's coverage (see Survey Coverage below)
- the survey's suitability for the species (see Survey Suitability below)
We score each of these components on a scale of Low, Medium, or High. By default, reliability is equal to the lowest score among the three components. For example, if precision scores High, coverage scores Medium, and suitability scores High, the reliability score will be Medium. There are two uncommon exceptions:
- We score reliability one level below the lowest component score if the trend is strongly influenced by exceptional year(s) in the indices, or if the trend spans fewer than 35 years, which reduces certainty in estimates of long-term change.
- We ignore the precision score if the trend shows an increase of more than 400% or a decrease of more than 80%. These values correspond to a five-fold change in the population, which is a very large, clear change, rendering precision essentially irrelevant. In this case, the reliability score is equal to the lower of the scores for coverage and suitability.
Survey Reliability: Survey Precision
We score precision based on the degree to which the available data can reliably detect population trends. For surveys analyzed using a hierarchical Bayesian model (e.g., Breeding Bird Survey, Christmas Bird Count, migration monitoring by the Program for Regional and International Shorebird Monitoring [PRISM], Nocturnal Owl Survey, and Seabird Colony Monitoring Program) precision reflects the width of the 95% credible interval around the trend. Similarly, for surveys analyzed using frequentist models (e.g., Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program), precision is based on the width of the 95% confidence interval. A 95% credible or confidence interval is the range of values that have a 95% chance of including the true population trend. The width of a credible/confidence interval is the difference between the upper and lower limits.
We score precision as follows:
- High: width of credible/confidence interval around the trend is less than 3.5% per year, corresponding to potential for detecting a decline of 30% over a period of 20 years
- Medium: width of credible/confidence interval around the trend is between 3.5% per year and 6.7% per year, corresponding to potential for detecting a decline of 50% over a period of 20 years
- Low: width of credible/confidence interval around the trend is greater than 6.7% per year, which is insufficient to detect a decline over a period of 20 years
Precision estimates are not available for some surveys, such as those that do not have annual coverage. This includes the Great Lakes Decadal Colonial Waterbird Census, some species-specific surveys, and sometimes information from published literature. We cannot graph these surveys or score their reliability, but we describe insights from them in the text.
Survey Reliability: Survey Coverage
We score coverage based on the degree to which a given survey samples the population (or range) of a species. For example, coverage for the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is calculated using a grid of cells, each one measuring 1-degree latitude by 1-degree longitude. Coverage represents the proportion of a given species' breeding population (BirdLife International 2016, Will et al. 2018) that occurs within the grid cells that contain BBS routes included in the trend analysis for that species (Smith et al. 2023). Where coverage estimates are unavailable, we estimate coverage based on a visual assessment or expert knowledge of the proportion of the survey area relative to the species' range, either in the breeding season (e.g., Eastern Waterfowl Survey) or in the non-breeding season (e.g., Christmas Bird Count). We also estimate the proportion of the population passing through the survey area on migration, where relevant (e.g., Migration PRISM).
We score coverage as follows, based on Blancher et al. (2009):
- High: greater than 50% of a species' population or range covered
- Medium: between 25 and 50% of a species' population or range covered
- Low: Less than 25% of a species' population or range covered
For most species, we use surveys based in Canada. However, we use continental-scale analyses in cases where they best reflect the Canadian population (e.g., Christmas Bird Count data for some species that breed primarily in Canada but winter mostly in the United States, like American Tree Sparrow).
Survey Reliability: Survey Suitability
The suitability score considers the survey's strengths, weaknesses, and potential biases in estimating trends for a given species over time. Survey standardization and design are particularly important. Suitability can only be high if the timing, conditions, and extent of effort follow defined protocols and are comparable across years.
The suitability score can be reduced if there is risk of bias. This refers to the potential for trend estimates that are not a function of actual changes in abundance. For example, in many areas, there has been increasing effort to document winter roosts of owls and crows. This has resulted in higher numbers of these species on Christmas Bird Counts [CBC] over time, but it is difficult to know whether the positive trends are related to changing abundance or greater effort. The CBC can also be vulnerable to bias for species that are wintering farther north than they did previously, and now have a greater proportion of their population within the area covered by the survey (Soykan et al. 2016).
Note that some survey limitations, like limited geographic sampling of a population or a mismatch in seasonal or daily timing with a species' peak in activity, do not influence suitability as they are addressed through coverage or precision scores. Although such factors can greatly reduce the detectability of a species, they are typically consistent across years, and therefore unlikely to bias the trend. For example, the BBS is a roadside survey and therefore samples a smaller proportion of the population of species that favour remote landscapes. However, roadside avoidance (or attraction) should not bias BBS trend estimates unless this behaviour has changed over time.
The one exception is situations where a species tends to be detected in such extremely low numbers that it is prudent to consider the survey less suitable, regardless of precision or coverage. For example, Eastern Whip-poor-will is a nocturnal species that is only rarely detected among the first few stops of a BBS route. Although the BBS covers a moderate portion of Eastern Whip-poor-will's breeding range and the trend estimate has high precision, the detectability of the species on the BBS is so poor that suitability is considered low, as precision and coverage scores do not adequately reflect the survey's limitations.
Taking these factors together, we score suitability as follows, adapted from Blancher et al. (2009):
- High: standardized survey with species-appropriate timing and little risk of bias, likely to result in accurate estimates of the direction and magnitude of population change for this species.
- Medium: trend estimate for a species is likely accurate with respect to direction, but magnitude may be poorly estimated, given limitations among one or more of survey standardization, detectability, and risk of bias.
- Low: estimates of both magnitude and direction of trend for a species may be inaccurate, based on multiple concerns among survey standardization, detectability, and risk of bias, or a particularly serious limitation in one of the three factors.
In situations where two or more surveys tie for having the greatest reliability, we prioritize the one with higher suitability, with coverage as a second tie-breaker if needed.
Population Change Categories
We assign long-term population change since 1970 to one of six categories as follows, based on Blancher et al. (2009):
- Large Decrease: decrease of 50% or greater
- Moderate Decrease: between a 25% and 49.9% decrease
- Little Change: between a 24.9% decrease and 32.9% increase
- Moderate Increase: between a 33% and 99.9% increase
- Large Increase: increase of 100% or greater
- Data Deficient: insufficient data to determine population trend
The values in the increase and decrease categories are purposely asymmetrical. Values of population change on a percent-scale are not symmetrical around zero because a population can increase far beyond 100%, but can never decrease past 100% because that represents extinction. The values in the Large and Moderate categories act opposite to each other. For example, a Large Increase is required to recover from a Large Decrease, or stated another way, a population that has declined by 50% must increase by 100% to return to its original level.
The Data Deficient category is used sparingly in cases where no trend data is available, or if all available data sources are of low reliability and indicate opposite trajectories (e.g., Moderate Decrease vs Moderate Increase). If directionality is the same or neutral (e.g., Little Change), we identify the survey with greater suitability (and coverage, if necessary as a tie-breaker) as the Main Survey and its trend is used to assign the corresponding population change category.
While the current focus of The State of Canada's Birds is long-term population change at the national scale, we present both long- and short-term trends where available. Short-term changes in population indicate whether the recent rate of change is increasing, decreasing, or remaining consistent relative to the long-term trend. This context can be useful for conservation planning or prioritization purposes, and may warn of the potential for longer-term changes.
Confidence in Population Change Categories
Whereas each survey is assigned a reliability score reflecting the degree to which its results can be trusted, the species' change category is assigned a confidence score representing the overall degree of trust in the assigned population change category.
We score confidence as follows, adapted from Blancher et al. (2009):
- Very High: population change category almost certainly correct, based on corroboration of two or more sources, or extremely large changes in the population
- High: population change category likely to be correct
- Medium: population change category somewhat uncertain but likely within one category of population change
- Low: population change category uncertain, but likely within two categories of population change
- Very Low: population change category highly uncertain, possibly off by as many as three categories of population change
For species with only a Main Survey identified, the default confidence level is equal to the reliability of that survey, except in the case of large magnitudes of population change. If the magnitude of the change shows an increase of more than 400% or a decrease of more than 80%, we increase the confidence score by one level (i.e., Low to Medium, Medium to High, High to Very High).
For species with multiple surveys identified, we use the matrix below (Table 2) to assign the confidence score based on the degree of agreement or disagreement between the Main Survey and the most reliable Supporting Survey. We first use the column on the left (Step 1 in Table 2 below; Reliability of Main Survey) to find the correct cell based on the Main Survey, then adjust accordingly based on the metrics from the Supporting Survey (Step 2 in Table 2 below). We have highlighted an example in the table below, which applies to Downy Woodpecker. Note that confidence associated with Little Change is treated differently than the other categories because of the lack of directionality in the category.
1.2. Population Estimates
The State of Canada's Birds provides three population estimates for each species: 1) breeding population in Canada, 2) total population in Canada, and 3) the global population. For many species, the total population in Canada is the same as the breeding population. For those species that only visit Canada seasonally outside the breeding season (e.g., albatrosses), the total population is based on the peak number, and the breeding population is reported as zero. In the case of species that breed in Canada and have additional individuals passing through on migration (e.g., to/from Alaska), the total population in Canada is the sum of the breeding and migrant populations.
In previous versions of The State of Canada's Birds (formerly the Status of Birds in Canada), population estimates were presented as ranges (<500, <5000, 5,000 - 50,000, 50,000 - 500,000, 500,000 - 5 million, 5 - 50 million, >50 million). Although these ranges are effective at communicating the uncertainty around many population estimates, in many cases, they are too broad to be useful. For example, a population estimate of 45,000 is in the same category as 5,500, but one is much larger than the other, and may warrant different conservation or management actions.
For this version of The State of Canada's Birds, we provide specific population estimates for each species whenever possible, based on the best available data. To acknowledge uncertainty, estimates are rounded to two significant digits (e.g., 1,400; 780,000; 72 million). Even this degree of rounding may imply more precision than is warranted for some estimates, so we encourage caution in using these numbers. Moreover, there are ongoing efforts to update and refine existing estimates, and we expect new results for a number of species in the near future.
Most of the population numbers we present in the accounts are estimates generated by statistical modeling approaches. The few exceptions include species that no longer occur in Canada (e.g., 0 Eskimo Curlew), or that have small, highly-concentrated populations that can be censused completely (e.g., 540 Whooping Cranes).
For some other birds, especially species at risk, there have been targeted field efforts and/or analyses to determine population sizes in Canada. This usually involves some extrapolation or modeling, resulting in upper and lower limits being defined. In such cases, we report the range of values in the summary text, but use the average value as the estimate of recent abundance.
For waterfowl, we rely primarily on the Population Status of Migratory Game Birds in Canada report (Canadian Wildlife Service Waterfowl Committee 2023), which bases its estimates mainly on data obtained from systematic aerial surveys of breeding, staging, or wintering areas, depending on the species. Global population estimates from the 2018 North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP 2018) are also used to provide context for Canadian populations.
For landbirds, we use the Partners in Flight (PIF) Population Estimates Database (PIF 2020) as the default. It uses a standard model to derive population estimates from Breeding Bird Survey data, with species-specific adjustments for average detection distance, relative detectability of males and females, and survey sensitivity to time of day. For many shorebirds, we base population estimates on Andres et al. (2012), updated where more recent information is available. For all other birds, we either use species-specific monitoring where available (e.g., seabird colonies, acoustic sampling for elusive marsh birds and counts at migratory staging areas), Species At Risk assessments, or the PIF Avian Conservation and Assessment Database (PIF 2024) in combination with relative distribution estimates from eBird (Fink et al. 2023).
Global population estimates for most species are pulled from the PIF Avian Conservation Assessment Database (ACAD; PIF 2024), which compiles published estimates from many sources and uses expert review to select the best value, or to determine an appropriate estimate in cases where none have been published. The basis for each population estimate is provided in the ACAD (PIF 2024).
For a few species (e.g., Ferruginous Hawk and several Arctic-breeding shorebirds), the latest Canadian population estimates are considerably different from previous estimates, and are more recent than those provided by PIF. This is generally not because abundance has changed dramatically, but because of additional data collection or improvements in analysis. In such cases, we have adjusted the global estimate so that it is consistent with the updated Canadian estimate and the existing proportion of the population believed to occur in Canada, which in most cases is reported in the ACAD and based on the relative distribution models developed by eBird (Fink et al. 2023).
Canadian Responsibility
We determine the Canadian responsibility for each species by calculating the proportion of the global population that occurs in Canada annually (i.e. the total population in Canada; see Population Estimates section above).
We score Canadian responsibility as follows:
- Very Low: less than 1% of the global population
- Low: between 1 and 19.9% of the global population
- Medium: between 20 and 49.9% of the global population
- High: between 50 and 74.9% of the global population
- Very High: between 75 and 100% of the global population
1.3. Population Goals
The State of Canada's Birds sets a national population goal for every native bird species in Canada for which there are sufficient data, and assesses how species are doing relative to these goals. Goals indicate a level at which a given species' population is considered secure. This work began in 2012 when Environment and Climate Change Canada first established specific, quantitative population goals for most native bird species in Canada. Recognizing that bird populations vary naturally over time, some fluctuation around the goal is to be expected. We define lower limits for all species, but we only define upper limits for a few species that could pose ecological concerns if they increase beyond a defined level. Many bird populations vary regionally as well. We plan on addressing regional variation and how that may affect goal-setting in future versions of The State of Canada's Birds.
We have revised the goal-setting framework developed for the 2019 version of the Status of Birds in Canada. Although it remains largely consistent with the previous approach, we adjusted some goals to better align with the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound), especially for species that have experienced a long-term decline.
We have applied the goal-setting framework to every species or management unit (e.g., some regionally defined waterfowl or species-at-risk populations; hereafter all referred to as "species" for simplicity) that occurs in Canada. For harvested species with defined management objectives and for species listed under the Species At Risk Act (SARA) based on small population size or restricted distribution, we adopt goals from the relevant documents (e.g., from the North American Waterfowl Management Plan or from Species At Risk Recovery Strategies or Management Plans). For all other species, including those listed under SARA due to population declines, the population goal is set according to the process described below.
The goal-setting framework identifies 17 potential endpoints ("bins") that can be reached depending on the response to 19 decision points (see Figure 1 below). The following section lists all decision points and endpoints and provides an explanation where relevant. Some endpoints result in a similar goal (i.e. set no goal). The distinctions between these endpoints are not reflected in the species accounts, but are used to track the goal and rationale for each species.
The framework references three population metrics:
- Historical abundance: average of the first five years of the Main Survey (1970-1974 for the Breeding Bird Survey and Christmas Bird Count, or later for some other programs)
- Long-term average abundance: average of the Main Survey from its start (1970 for the Breeding Bird Survey and Christmas Bird Count, or later for some other programs) to 2022 (or the last year of data available)
- Recent abundance: average of the most recent five-year period of the Main Survey (e.g., 2018-2022)
Population goals are established to guide efforts to maintain and restore healthy populations of birds in Canada. In general, species that have experienced a moderate or large increase relative to historical levels are assigned a goal equal to the long-term or recent abundance, whichever is higher. Those that have experienced little change relative to historical levels are assigned a goal of historical or long-term average abundance, whichever is higher. Species that have experienced moderate or large declines relative to historical levels are by default assigned a goal of returning to historical levels, although in rare cases, a lower goal may be set where circumstances (e.g., irreversible habitat loss) are likely to place more restrictive limits on recovery. Species with large declines are also assigned an interim target to help set realistic expectations and allow us to track progress against that target over the shorter term (see Interim Targets below).
For each species with a goal, we establish lower limits relative to the goal. The lower limits acknowledge that baseline dates (whether for historical, long-term, or recent reference periods) are somewhat arbitrary, that populations fluctuate naturally, and that there is uncertainty around even our best estimate of a species' abundance in any given year. Each endpoint has its own lower limit (see Steps and Decision Points below).
Note that we define the period for describing and assessing long-term population change as 1970 to the most recent available estimate (e.g., 2022 in this first version). This is because the trends we present are calculated based on years (e.g., 1970-2022), and not averages of years (e.g., 1970-1974 to 2018-2022). We chose to use more stable 5-year averages for the goal framework as a way to insulate the framework from annual changes in the estimates, which could cause species to oscillate between being within their goal ranges to below. The tradeoff is that occasionally this disconnect between reference periods can result in situations that are more challenging to communicate (e.g., see Rose-breasted Grosbeak).
Interim Targets
For all species with long-term declines, we define an interim population target as the percentage of the historical population that can realistically be achieved by 2050. These interim targets represent ambitious but achievable scenarios of medium-term population recovery. We chose 2050 to align with the vision of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, wherein "by 2050, biodiversity is valued, conserved, restored and wisely used, maintaining ecosystem services, sustaining a healthy planet and delivering benefits essential for all people." These targets recognize that full recovery to historical abundance is not possible by 2050 for many species, given the severity of historical population declines.
We calculate interim targets based on projections of hypothetical recovery scenarios that require several key inputs:
- Recent percent of historical abundance: populations that have experienced larger declines will take longer to recover and have lower interim targets.
- Recent population trend (i.e., most recent 10 years of data): populations with strongly negative recent trends will take longer to recover and have lower interim population targets, because they will need time to first stabilize before they can begin to grow.
- Rate of improvement in population trend: represents the rate at which conservation could feasibly improve population growth rates. By default, we set a goal of increasing annual growth rates by 0.5% per year until a growth rate of 3% per year is achieved and maintained. Although many factors can influence population growth rates and some species may have inherently greater capacity for increase than others, this is a rate of increase that has been observed across a wide variety of birds and should in most cases be attainable with appropriate conservation efforts.
To calculate interim targets, we apply the above factors to estimate a projected relative abundance in 2050. We use this value as the interim target, unless:
- The value is less than 25%. For these species, declines have been especially severe and a strong effort is required for recovery. The interim target is set at 25% regardless of the estimated value, to motivate conservation efforts.
- The value is greater than 100%. For these species, the model projects that full recovery to historical levels is possible by 2050, so the interim target is equal to the goal (i.e., 100%).
Steps and Decision Points
- Yes - go to Step B
- No - go to 0.1 Introduced. A species that occurs in Canada but is not native and therefore does not warrant a goal. "Not native" means the species was introduced from outside of Canada through either direct or indirect human activity.
- Yes - go to Step C
- No - go to 0.2 Vagrant. A species that occurs naturally but irregularly in Canada, and therefore does not warrant a goal.
- Yes - go to 0.3 Extirpated. A species that formerly occurred regularly in Canada but is no longer present. We do not assign a goal unless a reintroduction program is planned or in progress, in which case go to 1.1 SARA recovery goal.
- No - go to Step D
- Yes - go to 0.4 No national goal. In cases where subspecies or populations are geographically disjunct or otherwise managed independently, this framework allows for goals to be set at the population level. We have chosen to set national goals for all native species so that we can track and report progress at the species level, but the option remains in the framework if needed.
- No - go to Step E
- Yes - go to 1.1 SARA recovery goal. If population goals are specified in a SARA Management Plan or Recovery Strategy, we adopt these as national goals. The goal is considered to be the minimum, therefore the lower limit is equivalent to the goal.
- No - go to Step H
- Yes - go to 2.1 Management goal. For species that already have a defined management plan, we generally adopt whatever goal is in that plan. In cases where the goal is set at a continental scale, we adjust it using the long-term average proportion of the population that occurs in Canada. For example, if the North American Waterfowl Management Plan states a continental goal of 500,000 individuals and the long-term (1970-2022) average proportion of the population in Canada is 80%, the goal for the Canadian population is 400,000. Management plans generally consider goals to be the minimum, so we consider the lower limit to be equivalent to the goal unless an alternative is identified. An upper limit is defined only in rare cases where an increase beyond a particular point would be problematic.
- No - go to Step J
- Yes - go to Step K
- No - go to endpoint 5.2 No goal (data deficient). Monitoring data must be sufficient to allow for the estimation of population trends, or else goals cannot be meaningfully assigned and evaluated. This generally applies when no annual surveys are available, or when evidence from two or more sources with low reliability is contradictory and there is no way to determine which is most reliable. These species require improved monitoring to allow for future goal-setting and tracking.
- Yes - go to endpoint 3.1 Maintain population and prevent further growth. These populations are of potential concern if they increase, but in general we assume they are not problematic at recent levels of abundance. The goal is the recent average population index (last five years of survey data). The upper limit is equal to the goal. Although an increase would be of concern, a decrease is as undesirable as for other species, therefore we use a lower limit of 25% below recent levels to flag potential concerns.
- No - go to Step M
- Yes - go to endpoint 3.2 Be at or above historical abundance. These populations are currently smaller than they were in 1970, but within the bounds of Little Change (i.e., less than a 25% decrease). The goal is to return to historical abundance. The lower limit is set as 75% of the goal, unless the species shows strong annual fluctuations, in which case the lower bound is set as the 10th percentile of abundance across all survey years, typically equivalent to the fifth-lowest index of abundance over ~50 years. Although this may seem low, it reflects that the population has rebounded from other points below the goal, but reaching an index this low is cause for concern.
- No - go to endpoint 3.3 Be at or above long-term average. These populations are within the bounds of Little Change (i.e., less than a 32.9% increase), but on average have been at a higher level over the long term than they were in the early 1970s. The goal is to maintain some degree of growth since 1970, represented as the average long-term abundance. We set the lower limit as 75% of the goal, unless the species shows strong annual fluctuations, in which case the lower bound is set as the 10th percentile of abundance across all survey years, typically equivalent to the fifth-lowest index of abundance over ~50 years. Although this may seem low, it reflects that the population has rebounded from other points below the goal, but reaching an index this low is cause for concern.
- Yes - go to endpoint 3.4 Return to historical abundance. The default long-term goal is to return to historical abundance. However, we may adjust the goal if there are limitations (e.g., if 25% of historical range has no potential for restoration, the goal can be set to 75% of historical level). We set the lower limit as 75% of the goal, unless the species shows strong annual fluctuations, in which case the lower bound is set as the 10th percentile of abundance across all survey years, typically equivalent to the fifth-lowest index of abundance over ~50 years. Although this may seem low, it reflects that the population has rebounded from other points below the goal, but reaching an index this low is cause for concern. This endpoint also uses Interim Targets (described above) to ensure measurable progress against long-term goals.
- No - go to endpoint 5.1 No goal (increase not viable). At a national scale, it is highly unlikely that we would consider any population decline irreversible. However, at a regional scale, it is possible that some climate-induced range shifts may be irreversible, and it is important to provide this option for such cases to avoid setting unrealistic objectives.
- Yes - go to endpoint 4.1 Reduce population. This category applies only to the rare cases where a population increase has become problematic. Identifying a specific population level at which the issues would disappear may be difficult, but can be estimated by identifying the time (and corresponding population size) when issues became apparent. The upper limit should match the goal, as anything above that point is of concern. Although we categorize these species based on concerns of overpopulation, there should nonetheless also be concern if the population decreases substantially; a 25% reduction below the goal is therefore used to define the lower limit.
- No - go to Step P
- Yes - go to Step Q
- No - go to endpoint 4.3 Maintain long-term average. These populations are at least 33% above 1970 levels, with an average long-term abundance higher than during the recent period. The goal is therefore the long-term average abundance. We set the lower limit as 75% of the goal, unless the species shows strong annual fluctuations, in which case the lower bound is set as the 10th percentile of abundance across all survey years, typically equivalent to the fifth-lowest index of abundance over ~50 years. Although this may seem low, it reflects that the population has rebounded from other points below the goal, but reaching an index this low is cause for concern.
- Yes - go to endpoint 4.4 Maintain recently established population. The species in this category were absent from Canada or present in very small numbers in the 1970s but have expanded their ranges substantially in recent decades. In most cases, it is too soon to anticipate at what level these populations will eventually stabilize, or if there may ecological or societal concerns with these populations, so the goal is simply the recent abundance (average of the past five years), and the lower limit is equal to the lowest index within the recent period (typically the first year of it).
- No - go to endpoint 4.2 Maintain recent abundance. Populations are at least 33% above 1970 levels, with an average recent abundance (over the last five years) higher than the long-term abundance. This includes both populations that may have been historically depressed (e.g., birds of prey) and are still recovering, and others that are simply increasing. We set the lower limit as 75% of the goal, unless the species shows strong annual fluctuations, in which case the lower bound is set as the 10th percentile of abundance across all survey years, typically equivalent to the fifth-lowest index of abundance over ~50 years. Although this may seem low, it reflects that the population has rebounded from other points below the goal, but reaching an index this low is cause for concern.
Explanation: We define regular occurrence as when a species is found predictably, in most years, in the same areas and time of year, as part of their natural life-cycle, anywhere in Canada. This includes very localized breeding or non-breeding populations in specific areas, but will generally exclude vagrants that have more unpredictable patterns of occurrence, even when they are observed annually in Canada.
Explanation: Many bird species are listed under SARA because their rate of population decline exceeds the threshold for COSEWIC Criterion A (30% decline over 10 years or three generations). However, in most cases, their population remains large and widespread. From an ecological perspective, these species are no different from any other that has experienced a large decline but has not been assessed by COSEWIC. These species therefore follow the goal-setting framework, which sets ambitious goals for sustainable populations. These goals tend to be higher than the level at which a species is no longer at risk of extinction. In contrast, species that have been assessed based on other COSEWIC Criteria typically warrant more customized goals developed by the SARA Recovery Program.
Population Status in Relation to Goal
We assess the current population status of each species in relation to its goal (see Population Goals above). Current, in this case, means the most recent annual estimate available, unless there is strong evidence that the latest annual index may not be representative of the current status (e.g., reduction in survey coverage that year due to wildfires). If this is the case, we define current as the average of the most recent 5 years.
Categories for population status in relation to goal are:
- Above Goal Range: population is above its defined upper limit, which is when ecological or human conflict is likely to occur, indicating the need for management
- Within Goal Range: population is above the defined lower limit and below the upper limit (if applicable)
- Below Goal Range: population is below its defined lower limit, indicating the need for conservation efforts to increase abundance
- Data Deficient: there is insufficient data to establish a goal or determine population status in relation to goal. In some cases, SARA goals have been set despite not having sufficient monitoring data to track the status of the population. We consider the status of these species, relative to their goals, to be Data Deficient.
- Not Applicable: a goal was not determined for non-native species
1.4. Designations
We include a number of designations in each species account. For all species, we report a global status, based on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN 2024), and a Canadian status, based on the Wild Species 2020 report (CESCC 2022).
Additional designations are also presented when applicable:
- Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)
- Species at Risk Act (SARA) in Canada
- Partners in Flight Species of Continental Importance (PIF 2024), which includes Watch List species and Common Birds in Steep Decline
Designations vary in geographic scale, scope, and timing, and may therefore differ considerably for a given species. We see an example of different designations in the Blackpoll Warbler account. The Blackpoll Warbler is listed as Near Threatened at the global level (BirdLife International 2018) and is on PIF's Common Birds in Steep Decline List, which is a designation included in PIF's Species of Continental Importance (PIF 2024). However, COSEWIC has not assessed the species. It is currently considered Secure in Canada according to Wild Species (CESCC 2022).
1.5. Migration Strategy
We have assigned all species to at least one of four groups that describe its occurrence in Canada and/or its migration strategy. Species may be assigned to multiple groups within each category. For example, Greater Yellowlegs is both a short-distance and long-distance migrant, as some remain in temperate regions while others migrate to tropical regions during the nonbreeding period.
- Resident: Species breeds in Canada and stays in roughly the same range year-round. Species shows no significant migration; those that make minor seasonal movements (e.g., altitudinal movements by grouse) are considered resident.
- Short-distance migrant: Species breeds in Canada and migrates primarily to temperate regions (e.g., southern Canada, the United States, and northern Mexico), or in the case of seabirds, the boreal and temperate waters of the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans. Canadian breeders migrating to temperate areas of Europe are also considered short-distance migrants (e.g., Ruddy Turnstone breeding in the Canadian Arctic and wintering in the United Kingdom). Nomadic species (e.g., crossbills) are also considered short-distance migrants.
- Long-distance migrant: Species breeds in Canada and migrates primarily to tropical regions (e.g., southern Mexico, Caribbean, and Central and South America). This category also includes individuals breeding in Canada and spending the nonbreeding season in southern Asia or Africa (e.g., Northern Wheatear, Bluethroat).
- Seasonal visitor: Species does not breed in Canada but is a regular visitor during one or more seasons. This category mainly includes seabirds (e.g., Heerman's Gull, albatrosses). Species that occur less than annually or have no regular pattern of occurrence are considered vagrants and are not assigned a migration strategy.
1.6. Distribution and Occurrence
NatureCounts hosts hundreds of millions of occurrence records from over 1000 different datasets. These records are displayed in an interactive map, pre-filtered for each species. Each map contains the following information:
- Occurrence and Breeding: shows where the species has been recorded during provincial breeding bird atlases, with breeding evidence categorized as confirmed, probable, or possible
- Number of Records: shows where and how frequently the species had been recorded
- Population Trends: shows regional trends in population for the species
- eBird Abundance: shows the relative abundance of the species (Fink et al. 2023)
Seasonality in Canada
We provide an overview of how reports of each species vary throughout the year based on checklists from datasets hosted by NatureCounts. A barchart displays the weekly proportion of checklists on which the species was reported. All bars are scaled relative to the maximum for the species, so they cannot be used to compare the abundance of one species to another. It is important to note that these plots may not truly represent abundance for species that live in remote places or are otherwise difficult to detect at certain times of year.
We also provide statements that summarize the probable nesting dates for each species at a national level, following Rousseu and Drolet (2015). For more information, see the Nesting Calendar Query Tool.
1.7. Peer Review
We sought peer review for the species accounts by experts from Environment and Climate Change Canada, Birds Canada, Ducks Unlimited Canada, and other organizations. These reviews were guided by a set of questions covering the entire account, but with an emphasis on verifying the appropriateness of the selected surveys, the population goals, and the population estimates. Any comment made in one account that was relevant to other species was applied accordingly.
2. Methods for The State of Canada's Birds Report
This section provides a detailed technical description of the analysis used to generate the summaries presented in The State of Canada's Birds Report. It includes technical and mathematical details primarily intended for an audience of scientists and technical experts.
2.1. Species Groups
In The State of Canada's Birds Report, we present indicators of the national population status of groups of bird species that reflect broad biomes within Canada (e.g., forest birds, grassland birds, marine birds) and groups of species that are known to have distinct and noteworthy trends (e.g., aerial insectivores, birds of prey). For many of these groups, we also present a series of sub-indicators to represent subgroups with particular conservation concerns or successes (e.g., native grassland specialists, diurnal birds of prey).
The groups featured in the report are listed below. The same species can be included in more than one group (e.g., Ferruginous Hawk is both a bird of prey and a grassland bird), but only species that are truly representative of a given group are included in each. A list of birds included in each group is available here.
Waterfowl -
swans, ducks, and geese
- Geese and swans: includes all geese and swans
- Freshwater ducks: includes ducks that live primarily in freshwater
- Sea ducks: includes diving ducks with populations that spend a significant part of their year in marine environments
Birds of Prey -
hawks, eagles, harrier, osprey, falcons, owls, and vultures
- Diurnal birds of prey: includes hawks, eagles, harrier, osprey, falcons, and vultures
- Owls: includes all owls
Wetland Birds -
birds that live primarily in wetland habitats south of the boreal forest
- Wetland waterfowl: waterfowl that live primarily in wetland habitats
- Other wetland birds: non-waterfowl species that live primarily in wetland habitats
- Marine Birds - birds that live primarily in marine habitats
Forest Birds -
birds that live primarily in forest habitats
- Spending the winter in Canada: forest birds that remain in Canada for the nonbreeding season
- Migrating to tropical regions: forest birds that breed in Canada and primarily migrate to tropical regions of North, Central, or South America, or to Africa or Asia
Arctic Birds -
birds that spend all or part of their lives in the Arctic
- Arctic geese and swans: geese and swans that breed primarily in the Arctic
- Arctic shorebirds: shorebirds that breed primarily in the Arctic
- Other Arctic birds: all other birds that breed primarily in the Arctic
Long-distance Migrants -
birds that breed in Canada and primarily migrate to tropical regions from southern Mexico to South America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia or the southern oceans.
No subgroups are presented, but two other indicators are provided for comparison:
- Residents: birds that breed in Canada and do not migrate, but may make small seasonal movements
- Short-distance migrants: birds that breed in Canada and migrate to temperate regions of North America or Europe
- Shorebirds - sandpipers, plovers, oystercatchers, stilts, and avocets
Aerial Insectivores -
birds that hunt for insects in flight
- Flycatchers
- Swallows, swifts, and nightjars
Grassland Birds -
birds that live primarily in grassland landscapes with few if any trees
- Native grassland specialists: birds that are largely limited to native prairie pastures and grasslands
- Present in agricultural landscapes: birds that are able to live in agricultural landscapes like hayfields, non-native pasture, and field margins, in addition to native grasslands
Five years have passed since the 2019 State of Canada's Birds report, which used similar species groups. As much as possible, we have maintained consistency with the group assignments used in the previous report. However, we have made adjustments to improve group assignments when it was deemed necessary, such as adding owls to the birds of prey group, or adding flycatchers to the aerial insectivores group.
In addition, this report contains new survey data and data for many species that were previously data deficient (like owls). We have also improved the methods for analysis and assessment (e.g., newest spatially explicit BBS model and re-parameterization to allow for the inclusion of species that do not have data spanning the entire time-series). These improvements have allowed us to include species that were previously excluded due to data limitations. Overall, the species groups and combined trends presented in the report represent the best state of knowledge on birds in Canada.
2.2. Species Included in the Group Indicators
We consider 435 extant species of birds that are native to North America and that regularly occurred in Canada in 1970. Of these 435 species, population status information suitable to include in our analyses was available for 370 species. For each species, we use the population trajectory from the Main Survey as data for the statistical model that estimates the group indicator. Population trajectories are the time-series of annual estimates of each species' relative abundance.
We exclude species that are not native to North America. We also exclude 17 species that are native to North America and regularly occur in Canada in 2022, but that did not regularly occur in Canada in 1970 (i.e., they have expanded their ranges into Canada since 1970), because of their undue influence on our indicator values. For these range-expansion species, estimates of the percent-change in population size since 1970 are extreme (theoretically infinite) and difficult to estimate accurately, because our best estimate of their Canadian population in 1970 is approximately 0. Because our indicators represent averages of percent change values across species, these extremely large values overwhelm the influence of the other bird species in the group.
These 17 range-expansion species include: Anna's Hummingbird, Black Vulture, Black-necked Stilt, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Blue-winged Warbler California Scrub-Jay, Carolina Wren, Dickcissel, Eurasian Wigeon, Fish Crow, Gray Flycatcher, Great Egret, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Tufted Duck, Tufted Titmouse, White-faced Ibis, and Wild Turkey. Although each one of these species represents a real and potentially important change in Canada's bird populations, their estimates of percent change in population size do not represent the same biological or conservation-relevant processes as all other species (e.g., most of these range expansions reflect responses to human land use change, climate change, or purposeful re-introductions). In addition, if we include them in a group with other species, their extreme rates of increase would mask the other important patterns of change for the rest of the species in the group. Interested readers can explore these species' patterns of population change in each of their species accounts.
2.3. Overview of Group Indicator Modeling
Modeling each group indicator involves a two-stage process. In the first stage, we smooth each species' population trajectory using a hierarchical Bayesian model that accounts for the uncertainty of each species' estimated trajectory. From this smooth, we estimate the annual rate of population change since the previous year for each species and year. Modeling each group indicator involves a two-stage process. In the first stage, we smooth each species' population trajectory using a hierarchical Bayesian model that accounts for the uncertainty of each species' estimated trajectory. In the second stage, we fit the group indicator model that averages (across all species) the annual rates of change for each year, again accounting for and propagating the uncertainty among species and through time. The indicators are compiled in the model by accumulating the mean annual rates of change through time. These indicators then represent the cumulative mean annual changes through time across all species in the group. This is generally the same approach as in previous reports. However, the second stage group model that averages annual values of change-since-last-year instead of averaging values of change-since-1970, better accommodates a changing number of species through time. This allows us to include species with population trajectories that do not span the entire 1970-2022 period. The Living Planet Index (Hébert and Gravel, 2023), a comparable group-level indicator of mean population status across species, also uses generalized additive mode (GAM) smooth of published annual indices and averages annual differences to account for varying numbers of species through time.
First Stage: Smoothing the Species' Population Trajectories
We first smooth each species population trajectory so that our analyses: 1) retain the most important medium- and long-term patterns of change in the species' populations, 2) account for uncertainty in each species' data, 3) interpolate estimates for years with missing data for a given species (i.e., fill-in missing years), and 4) standardize the level of annual fluctuations among species. We smooth each species' population trajectory using a generalized additive model (GAM), so that our analyses are focused on the long- and medium-term patterns in population change (i.e., our primary interests are not related to annual fluctuations). We use a hierarchical Bayesian GAM that accounts for the uncertainty of each annual estimate of relative abundance and generates both a smoothed non-linear population trajectory (e.g., red and blue lines in Figure 2) and a series of annual estimates of change since the previous year (i.e., annual population change rates, or the slopes of the red and blue lines between sequential years in Figure 2). Smoothing the trajectories also allows us to fill in missing years for species that may not have data in all years (e.g., some isolated seabird colonies cannot be monitored every year). Finally, this smoothing reduces some of the variation among surveys, caused by differences in the underlying statistical models used to estimate trends and trajectories from different programs. There are important differences among the underlying statistical models used in many of the regularly published estimates of species-level monitoring data. For example, the Christmas Bird Count (CBC) uses models that incorporate a log-linear regression approach to estimating the time-series of annual estimates. As a result, the CBC model is particularly well designed to estimate long-term trends (i.e., rates of change) but not as sensitive to changes in trends (e.g., bends in the population trajectory). Similarly, estimates from the annual waterfowl breeding-ground surveys use models that do not smooth the time-series at all. Instead, they estimate each year's estimate independently of all other years. This structure is particularly well suited for modeling the annual fluctuations in waterfowl populations, but allows estimates of annual abundance to vary much more than many other models. Smoothing estimates from these two programs makes their information more comparable.
In more detail, the input data for the GAM smoothing model are the estimated population trajectories from each species' main survey. These population trajectories are the collection of annual indices of abundance (e.g., an average expected count during a Breeding Bird Survey in each year). We first log-transform these annual indices of abundance \(\left(\hat{i}_{s,t}\right)\) and an estimate of their standard errors for a given species-\(s\) and year-\(t\) \(\left(\hat{\sigma}_{s,t}\right)\). We estimate log-scale standard errors by assuming that the available uncertainty intervals were approximately log-normally distributed. Specifically, we log-transform the upper and lower 95% credible or confidence limits of the annual indices, estimate the difference between them and divide by 3.9. \[\hat{i}_{s,t} = \log\left(n_{s,t}\right)\] \[\hat{\sigma}_{s,t} = \frac{\log\left(n^{uci}_{s,t}\right) - \log\left(n^{lci}_{s,t}\right)}{3.9}\]
To account for the uncertainty in each species estimated log-scale annual indices, the model treats the estimated log-scale annual indices as realizations of a normal distribution, centered on the true population status in that year \(\left(i_{s,t}\right)\). \[\hat{i}_{s,t} \sim \text{Normal}\left(i_{s,t}, \hat{\sigma}_{s,t}\right)\]
We then model the true population status in each year as a function of an intercept \(\left(\alpha_s\right)\), a non-linear smooth component \(\left(\delta_{s,t}\right)\), and some random error \(\left(\varepsilon_{s,t}\right)\) that represents the annual fluctuations around the smooth component. \[i_{s,t} = \alpha_s + \delta_{s,t} + \varepsilon_{s,t}\]
The random error has a mean of 0 and is normally distributed with an estimated standard deviation \(\left(\varepsilon_{s,t} \sim \text{Normal}\left(0, \sigma_{\varepsilon_s}\right)\right)\). The non-linear smooth component of the time-series \(\left(\delta_{s,t}\right)\) is estimated using a low-rank, thin-plate regression spline (Wood 2017) on year. We scale the spline basis to include sum-to-zero identifiability constraints to improve the model estimation. We limit the number of knots to 1 knot for approximately every 3 years of data in the dataset. This number of knots controls the upper limit on the complexity of the smooth and ensures that the smooth will track the long- and medium-term population fluctuations. This Bayesian approach to estimating the smooth population trajectory penalizes the complexity (i.e., the wiggliness of the line), so that complex non-linear patterns are only apparent if they are well supported by the data.
From this model and the estimated smooth, we generate an estimate of the species annual rates of population change \(\left(\rho_{s,t}\right)\) by differencing subsequent annual estimates of the smooth component \(\left(\delta_{s,t}\right)\). In any year after the first year of the time series, for example 1990, the estimated annual rate of population change \(\rho_{s,1990}\) is the difference between the smoothed trajectory in that year (1990) and the smooth trajectory in previous year (1989): \[\rho_{s, 1990} = \delta_{s,1990} - \delta_{s,1989}\] The estimated annual rate of change is not defined for the first year of a species' time series, because we have no data from the previous year. The posterior mean estimates \(\left(\hat{\rho}_{s,t}\right)\) and standard errors \(\left(\sigma_{\rho_{s,t}}\right)\) of these annual rates of change for each species and year provide the input data for the composite indicator models in the second stage of the modeling.
Second Stage: Group Indicator Model
The composite indicator model estimates the average annual rate of change across the group of species for each year and then accumulates those average annual changes through time to estimate the composite indicator. This model also uses a measurement error structure to propagate the uncertainty of each species estimate from the first stage of the modeling into the second stage.
This second stage model uses the estimated annual rates of change for each species and year \(\left(\hat{\rho}_{s,t}\right)\) and the standard errors of these estimates \(\left(\sigma_{\rho_{s,t}}\right)\) from the first stage model as data. It accounts for the uncertainty in the estimates from the first stage by modeling the estimated rates of change \(\left(\hat{\rho}_{s,t}\right)\), random draws from a normal distribution, centered on the true rate of change \(\left(\rho_{s,t}\right)\) and with a standard deviation based on the estimate from the first stage model \(\left(\sigma_{\rho_{s,t}}\right)\). \[\hat{\rho}_{s,t} \sim \text{Normal}\left(\rho_{s,t}, \sigma_{\rho_{s,t}}\right)\]
This approach propagates the uncertainty from the first stage model into the second stage model and ensures that species with more uncertainty in their estimated annual change (i.e., higher values of \(\sigma_{\rho_{s,t}}\)), will have a less precise influence on the mean rate of change across species.
These true rates of change are then modeled as a function of an intercept term that represents the mean rate of change for each year across all species with data \(\left(\mu_t\right)\) and an error term that represents the variation among species in each year \(\left(\omega_{s,t} \sim \text{Normal}\left(0, \sigma_{\omega_t}\right)\right)\). \[\rho_{s,t} = \mu_t + \omega_{s,t}\]
The final composite indicator values \(\left(I_t\right)\) are then compiled by setting \(I_1 = 0\) in the first year and letting \(I_t= I_{t-1} + \mu_t + X_t\) where \(X_t \sim \text{Normal}(0,\sigma_{\omega_t})\), so that the annual estimates of mean rates of change accumulate through time into the full time series of indicator values and the inclusion of random noise based on the estimated among species variation in a given year \(\left(\text{Normal}\left(0, \sigma_{\omega_t}\right)\right)\) ensures that the full uncertainty is propagated through time.
Finally, we convert these log-scale indicator values into estimates of the average percent change since the base year as a direct exponential retransformation. \[\text{Percent Change since 1970} = 100\left(e^{I_t} - 1\right)\]
Aerial Insectivore Indicator Example
The indicator for the sub-group of aerial insectivores that includes the swallows, swifts, and nightjars is a compilation of the annual estimates for 13 bird species (Figure 2). The indicator line (black line with gray 95% credible interval) can be roughly interpreted as the average of the 13 species-specific lines (red lines for the 11 species that have decreased overall, and blue lines for the two species that have increased). Each of the species' lines influences the indicator to a degree dependent on its precision (the transparency of the species' lines in Figure 2 reflect the uncertainty of the species' data, more transparent lines for species with higher uncertainty). So this indicator runs approximately through the centre of the species lines, but is not simply the mean of all species lines. For example, the White-throated Swift and Bank Swallow lines have less influence compared to a simple average because their annual estimates are less precisely estimated than those for most other species in this group.
2.4. Difference from Previous Reports
This composite indicator model is conceptually the same as the model used in previous reports. The details differ slightly from previous reports in that the new model estimates the average annual rates of change across the species, instead of estimating the average annual status with respect to a base year. This new composite indicator model better accounts for differences among species in the length of available time series (i.e., not all species have data going back to 1970). The previous model estimated the mean status with respect to a base year (e.g., 1970). However, for many species, the best monitoring data does not extend back to 1970 and so if included in the indicator, this species' data would represent their status with respect to a different base year. This mismatch in the base years created a conceptual problem for the model and generated step-changes in the indicator values in a year when a new species' data became available. As a result, in previous reports, we were forced to exclude data for many species that did not have monitoring data back to 1970. The mean indicator values from these two models are effectively the same; the indicator lines that appear in this report are no different if we use the model from the previous reports and every species has data for all years of the time series (e.g., all species had data back to 1970).
This new model estimates a mean annual rate of change, and so every species estimate represents the same thing in any given year. Therefore, new species can be added in years after the base year without creating abrupt step-changes. In general, the most comprehensive interpretation of the uncertainty of these indicators is to examine the variation among species in their individual overall values of total population change since a given base year.
2.5. Statistical Model: Scaling of the Indicator Graphs
The vertical axes are designed to be asymmetrical because values of percent change are not symmetrical around zero. For example, a population that has declined by 50% (i.e., halved) must then increase by 100% (i.e., double) to return to its original level. This asymmetry increases in a non-linear way for greater values of percent-change, because positive values of percent-change are theoretically unbounded (i.e., it is possible for a population to increase by values much larger than 100%) but negative values are limited at -100% (100% decrease is equal to extinction). For example, to recover from a 90% decrease, a population would then have to increase by 900%.
Variation Among Species
The indicators represent the average change in population across all of the species in the group. For many of the groups here, these averages are informative but may also contain a great deal of variation among species. To show some of the variation among individual species' trends within each indicator line, we present info-graphics composed of groupings of coloured bird icons showing the number of species in each of three categories of long term (since approximately 1970) changes in population (Table 3). The categories are asymmetrical to respect the same asymmetry as the scaling of the vertical axis (i.e., a 33% increase is required to recover from a 25% decrease). The variation shown in these info-graphics highlights the appropriate interpretation of these indicators-as indicators of the average or overall status of the group, not as indicators of the status of each species within the group. Our indicators give the best overall estimate of the group's status, but do not reflect the trends for all species in a group equally well; a stable indicator may reflect a group in which most or all species have stable trends, or it may reflect a group with an equal number of species with large increases and large decreases. Almost all of the indicators in the report, regardless of their overall pattern of change, include both species that are increasing and species that are decreasing. For example, populations of aerial insectivores as a group have decreased, but not all aerial insectivore populations have decreased (Figure 2).
Long-term population change category | Range of estimates of total population change over the long-term |
Greater than a 33% increase |
Little Change
Between a 33% increase and a 24.9% decrease |
Greater than a 25% decrease |
2.6. Population Change and Population Goal Summaries
The species groups outlined above are native, regularly occurring species in Canada that are of conservation interest. We also present information on population change by species and status relative to population goals. The Population Change section shows how many of Canada's bird species have populations that have increased, decreased, or stayed about the same, and how many are data deficient. This section is not subject to the restrictions outlined in the group summary above (i.e. removing non-native species, removing species that have expanded in Canada), and includes all species in Canada, regardless of origin or status.
The Population Goal section shows the proportion of species that are within their population goal ranges, below their goal ranges, or above their ranges. This section focuses on species native to Canada, as goals are not set for non-native species (see Population Goals above).
3. Previous Versions of The State of Canada's Birds
Earlier versions of the species accounts are available via the Status of Birds in Canada (published in 2010, 2011, 2014, and 2019) in the archives section of that site, and previous The State of Canada's Birds reports are available on their respective sites (published in 2012 and 2019).
4. References
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