A striking bird with a fiery orange throat, the Blackburnian Warbler is one of many species to use shade-grown coffee plantations in winter, and their insect-eating activities help to protect the plants.

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The Blackburnian Warbler breeds in coniferous and mixed woodland from central Alberta to Newfoundland, and winters in northern and western South America. There are approximately 9.3 million individuals in Canada, which represents 71% of the global population and a high degree of responsibility for Canada. The Canadian population has shown little change relative to 1970 based on the Breeding Bird Survey. Confidence in this assessment is high because survey coverage is good and precision of the estimated trends is high. The national population of Blackburnian Warbler is within its goal range.

The best source of information on the population status of Blackburnian Warbler in Canada is the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), which provides good coverage of the breeding range and has high precision in its trends. Aside from a period of elevated abundance from roughly 1985 to 2005, the population has largely remained around the same level as in the early 1970s. In regions where the long-term trends have at least medium reliability, most also show little change, except for a large increase in southern parts of Ontario and Quebec, and a moderate increase in the parkland-boreal transition region in the Prairie provinces.
The goal for Blackburnian Warbler is to remain at or above its average population level from 1970 to 2022, based on the Breeding Bird Survey. Recent data show that the population is within its goal range.
Designation | Geographic Area | Status | CITATION |
IUCN | Global | Least Concern | |
Wild Species | Canada | Secure |

A striking bird with a fiery orange throat, the Blackburnian Warbler is one of many species to use shade-grown coffee plantations in winter, and their insect-eating activities help to protect the plants.
Blackburnian Warbler is primarily reported between May and September in Canada, as it migrates south in the nonbreeding season.
Nesting period starts between late May and early June and ends in late July, depending on the region. Before or after this period, the probability of an active nest is lower.