Trinational Monarch Knowledge Network
Project Partners

Trinational Monarch Conservation Partnership
This logo calls on us to cooperate, at local, national and international levels, on behalf of this delicate and beautiful species. It is also a reminder that each of us in North America can make a difference by becoming involved in collaborative efforts to save the monarchs. In our gardens, cities or farms, through many small, simple actions, we can all help save this species and its extraordinary migration, one of the most spectacular natural phenomena in the world.

Insectarium/Montréal Space for Life
The Montreal Insectarium is an institution inside de Space for Life complex. It is dedicated to education, research and conservation of insects and other arthropods. The Insectarium runs Mission Monarch (, a citizen science project aiming at collecting data on monarch and milkweed distribution across North America.

Monarch Joint Venture
Monarch Joint Venture will work throughout the U.S. to conserve and protect monarch populations and their migratory phenomena by implementing science-based habitat conservation and restoration measures in collaboration with multiple stakeholders. Our mission will be achieved by coordinating and facilitating partnerships and communications in the U.S. and North America to deliver a combination of habitat conservation, education, and research and monitoring.

The Butterfly Network
The Butterfly Network is made up of programs that monitor butterflies in North America, collaborating institutions, and the people who are involved in our many projects. We are a network of data collectors, data users, and informatics specialists dedicated to the goal of supporting the wide-spread collection and use of all types of information on butterflies.

Comisión Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas
The Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP) is a mexican governmental organization. Its mission is to manage and monitor protected areas and educate the public regarding environmental issues.

Birds Canada

The mission of Birds Canada (formerly Bird Studies Canada) is to conserve wild birds through sound science, on-the-ground actions, innovative partnerships, public engagement, and science-based advocacy. Birds Canada is a non-profit, charitable organization built on the enthusiastic contributions of thousands of caring members and volunteer Citizen Scientists. Data collected by Citizen Scientists, alongside targeted research projects, are used to identify significant bird population changes and help direct conservation planning. Our national headquarters is located in Port Rowan, Ontario, connected to the historic Long Point Bird Observatory. For more information, contact:, 1-888-448-2473, 115 Front Road, PO Box 160, Port Rowan, ON N0E 1M0. Or visit us at: