NORAC Listserv

NORAC maintains a list serve for communication among people interested in managing, running or working with atlas data.

To join this list serve, you simply need to send a message to:


With the following line (and nothing else) in the body of the message (not the subject line):

SUBSCRIBE BIRDATLAS-L yourfirstname yourlastname

Make sure you do this from the E-mail account where you want to receive messages.

Once you have joined, you will receive a message with instructions on how to send messages to everybody on the listserv, how to leave again, etc.

If you want to see the archives of the list serve, once you have joined, you can browse them online on the birdatlas-l archives. You can also send the following message to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU


This will give you a list of the subjects and dates of all archived messages, and you can send subsequent commands to retrieve them.

The NORAC website is hosted and maintained by Bird Studies Canada

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