Atlas Data Summary

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Select a province and/or a region, or enter a 7-digit square number to view a species list with the highest breeding code reported to date. Click on a column name to sort.

Sort Order Species Max. Br. evid. Squares
193Canada Goose NY79
224Mute Swan H1
229Trumpeter Swan NY16
296Wood Duck CF75
311Blue-winged Teal FY19
321Northern Shoveler FY6
325Gadwall T6
335American Wigeon H4
355Mallard NY81
378American Black Duck FY25
399Northern Pintail P2
412Green-winged Teal FY17
463Redhead P2
469Ring-necked Duck NE12
494Lesser Scaup H1
539Common Goldeneye FY1
549Hooded Merganser AE42
557Common Merganser AE25
564Red-breasted Merganser H1
574Ruddy Duck T2
725Northern Bobwhite S2
814Wild Turkey NE83
817Ruffed Grouse NY69
861Gray Partridge FY6
1054Rock Pigeon NY76
1151Eurasian Collared-Dove H1
1323White-winged Dove H1
1330Mourning Dove NY86
1790Yellow-billed Cuckoo CF18
1795Black-billed Cuckoo CF66
1796Yellow-billed/Black-billed Cuckoo T11
1950Common Nighthawk NY17
2012Eastern Whip-poor-will DD29
2169Chimney Swift AE25
2662Ruby-throated Hummingbird NE79
2954King Rail T1
2972Virginia Rail CF52
3051Sora A30
3061Common Gallinule CF21
3083American Coot FY2
3217Sandhill Crane NE30
3304Killdeer NY72
3418Upland Sandpiper FY25
3460American Woodcock NE58
3492Wilson's Snipe AE63
3503Wilson's Phalarope NE2
3510Spotted Sandpiper FY60
3767Ring-billed Gull NY25
3783American Herring Gull FY9
3915Caspian Tern H1
3920Black Tern H3
3936Common Tern NE13
3996Pied-billed Grebe NE32
4039Common Loon CF30
4445Double-crested Cormorant NY25
4551American Bittern FY52
4554Least Bittern FY25
4575Black-crowned Night Heron FY13
4629Green Heron AE61
4651Great Egret AE6
4674Great Blue Heron NY75
4700Turkey Vulture AE85
4710Osprey NY48
4931Sharp-shinned Hawk CF25
4944Cooper's Hawk NY35
4949American Goshawk NY16
4974Northern Harrier NY58
5001Bald Eagle NY36
5078Broad-winged Hawk NY78
5081Red-shouldered Hawk NY46
5098Red-tailed Hawk NY68
5339Eastern Screech-Owl FY33
5363Great Horned Owl NY36
5506Barred Owl NY62
5523Long-eared Owl FY5
5530Short-eared Owl H4
5545Northern Saw-whet Owl AE18
6067Belted Kingfisher CF74
6510Yellow-bellied Sapsucker NY86
6529Red-headed Woodpecker AE7
6555Red-bellied Woodpecker FY13
6567Black-backed Woodpecker T1
6640Downy Woodpecker NY85
6652Hairy Woodpecker NY85
6806Pileated Woodpecker NY83
6864Northern Flicker NY86
6940American Kestrel NY70
6961Merlin NY63
6986Peregrine Falcon NY10
9527Olive-sided Flycatcher CF8
9546Eastern Wood-Pewee CF86
9559Yellow-bellied Flycatcher S5
9561Alder Flycatcher FY79
9562Willow Flycatcher FY29
9566Alder/Willow Flycatcher (Traill's Flycatcher) H1
9568Least Flycatcher CF78
9589Eastern Phoebe NY86
9764Great Crested Flycatcher NY86
9830Eastern Kingbird NY82
10638Yellow-throated Vireo CF18
10644Blue-headed Vireo NY62
10656Philadelphia Vireo S1
10657Warbling Vireo CF81
10664Red-eyed Vireo CF86
11577Loggerhead Shrike P1
11626Canada Jay H2
11677Blue Jay NY86
11804American Crow NY86
11851Common Raven NY85
12018Black-capped Chickadee NY86
12263Horned Lark CF25
12855Bank Swallow NY48
12860Tree Swallow NY81
12873Purple Martin NY6
12894Northern Rough-winged Swallow NE39
12939Barn Swallow NY83
12999Cliff Swallow NY34
14241Ruby-crowned Kinglet T3
14242Golden-crowned Kinglet CF25
14264White-breasted Nuthatch NY86
14281Red-breasted Nuthatch CF81
14312Brown Creeper NY68
14363Blue-gray Gnatcatcher AE1
14394Northern House Wren NY84
14434Winter Wren NY65
14437Sedge Wren FY16
14451Marsh Wren CF44
14458Carolina Wren CF9
14670European Starling NY84
14797Gray Catbird NY86
14811Brown Thrasher CF82
14845Northern Mockingbird CF6
14852Eastern Bluebird NY76
14951Veery NE83
14956Swainson's Thrush S2
14960Hermit Thrush CF66
14965Wood Thrush NY82
15070American Robin NY86
15833Cedar Waxwing NY86
16628House Sparrow NY68
16919Evening Grosbeak NB7
17065House Finch NY44
17068Purple Finch CF83
17149Red Crossbill CF51
17185White-winged Crossbill FY26
17215Pine Siskin FY33
17228American Goldfinch NY86
17390Grasshopper Sparrow CF25
17401Chipping Sparrow NY85
17402Clay-colored Sparrow CF19
17405Field Sparrow NE58
17463Dark-eyed Junco P7
17505White-throated Sparrow CF84
17519Vesper Sparrow CF57
17534Savannah Sparrow CF82
17550Song Sparrow NY86
17562Lincoln's Sparrow A3
17564Swamp Sparrow NE85
17597Eastern Towhee CF40
17680Bobolink CF81
17682Eastern Meadowlark CF77
17751Orchard Oriole T1
17798Baltimore Oriole NY83
17807Red-winged Blackbird NY86
17825Brown-headed Cowbird NY77
17835Common Grackle NY86
17885Ovenbird NE86
17889Northern Waterthrush CF76
17893Golden-winged Warbler CF4
17894Blue-winged Warbler CF4
17895Golden-winged x Blue-winged Warbler (hybrid) P1
17896Brewster's Warbler (hybrid) S1
17898Golden-winged/Blue-winged Warbler S1
17899Black-and-white Warbler CF85
17900Prothonotary Warbler S1
17904Tennessee Warbler S2
17913Nashville Warbler CF70
17931Mourning Warbler CF55
17947Common Yellowthroat NY86
17968American Redstart NE86
17970Cape May Warbler S1
17971Cerulean Warbler S2
17973Northern Parula CF31
17989Magnolia Warbler CF57
17994Blackburnian Warbler CF57
17997Yellow Warbler NY85
18006Chestnut-sided Warbler CF86
18013Black-throated Blue Warbler CF39
18018Palm Warbler CF2
18023Pine Warbler CF76
18025Yellow-rumped Warbler FY62
18042Prairie Warbler S2
18066Black-throated Green Warbler CF72
18133Canada Warbler CF30
18179Scarlet Tanager CF79
18222Northern Cardinal NY82
18238Rose-breasted Grosbeak NY86
18272Indigo Bunting CF81

Total: 198 breeding species

Note: the statistics and species lists presented on this page are based on accepted records (including records pending review) with breeding evidence.