Ontario Woodlot Association
Welcome to the data entry portal for participants in the Project WoodlandWatch . The Project WoodlandWatch is a joint program of Birds Canada and the Ontario Woodlot Association (OWA) that helps woodlot owners inventory their woodlots for birds and biodiversity. Birds and other wildlife are excellent indicators of a healthy, sustainable woodlot. By monitoring birds and important bird features, such as stick and cavity nests, you can also monitor the long-term health of your woodlot. Through the Project WoodlandWatch, Birds Canada and OWA can help you identify and track birds in your woodlot over time.
OWA members are encouraged to identify birds and/or identify stick and cavity nests while active in your woodlot. You can report your data through this portal, which will help you keep track of your woodlot’s bird monitoring data over time. You can enter and retrieve your data at any time. The information collected here can be used for your Forest Management Plan and/or Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program application.
If this is your first time as a registered user, please take this very short survey.

Get Involved
A NatureCounts profile is required to access some of the functionalities of this site.

If you have a NatureCounts login, and wish to register to the project, please click here