RCSM - totaux quotidiens estimés: Atlantic Bird Observatory

Atlantic Bird Observatory

Nom du projet : Réseau canadien de surveillance des migrations

Objectifs : To generate counts of migrating birds for use in long-term population monitoring, especially landbird species not monitored by current breeding or winter surveys; To carry out cooperative research projects on the ecology of migrating birds.

Résumé de l’ensemble de données : This dataset contains daily estimated totals (DET) from the Atlantic Bird Observatory (Bon Portage Island and Seal Island stations). DET is a standard protocol used by Canadian Migration Monitoring Network stations to estimate the total number of individuals of each species occurring at a site during migration.

Statut : Active

Première année : 1995

Années (commentaires) : CMMN was launched in 1998 as an ongoing monitoring program. The first migration monitoring station in North America was LPBO, started in 1960.

Saison(s) et fréquence : spring and fall

Région géographique couverte : From Newfoundland to British Columbia; Member stations in NS, QC, ON (6), MI, MB, SK, AB (3), and BC (2). Pilot stations in NF, PEI, NB, ON, BC and YK.

Type(s) d'habitat : Varied, many stations are in coastal locations.

Principales espèces couvertes : Primary focus is landbirds (104 priority species) but some stations also monitor waterbirds, raptors.

Plan d’échantillonnage : Standardized captures and observations used to derive daily estimated total throughout migration window.

Méthodes de terrain : Combination of standardized daily captures, census, visible migration counts and other observations resulting in a daily estimated total for each species.

Format des données : Data-entry program produces .dbf files. Archival copy of data for most stations is maintained at BSC.

Taille d'échantillon : 16 full member station operating 21 migration stations. Several pilot stations.

Résultats : Most stations produce some form of annual report for members.

Disponibilité des tendances et des séries chronologiques : Time series varied (1960-present for LPBO). Trend graphs updated annually for all stations with at least 5 years of data. Available on BSC web site

Publications : Hussell, DJT and CJ Ralph. 1998. Recommended methods for monitoring bird populations by counting and capture of migrants. (available on BSC website) Dunn, EH and DJT Hussell. 1995. Using migration counts to monitor landbird populations: review and evaluation of current status. Pp 43-58 in D.M. Power (ed.), Current Ornithology vol 12. Plenum Press, NY.

Sources de financement : Varied.

Applications des données : Trend information feeds into integrated population approach and is also used for planning and environmental assessment purposes.

Utilisateurs de l'information : BSC, research biologists