Elk Island National Park Forest Bird Surveys 2009
Project name: WildTrax
Dataset summary : The objectives of the Elk Island National Park (EINP) breeding bird survey are to: 1. Detect trends and changes in abundance of common breeding forest and grassland birds; 2. Provide an early warning of abnormal conditions and impairment of the park’s terrestrial ecosystems; 3. Provide information on status and trends of the park’s breeding birds to the public, resource managers, academic institutions and other resource agencies; 4. Develop robust methods for evaluating the effectiveness of specific management actions against management performance goals and objectives; 5. Contribute to evaluating the ecological integrity of the forest and grassland ecosystems in EINP.
Protocol type : Automated Recording Unit
Dataset Stats:
Records | 1,717 |
Locations | 96 |
Taxa | 108 |
Date Range | 2009 - 2009 |
Access Level | Level 5 |
Code | WILDTRAX145 |
BMDE version | BMDE2.00 |
Last updated | 21/09/23 |