Fort Simpson Linear Effects 2005-2006
Project name: WildTrax
Dataset summary : From 2005-2006, we evaluated how nesting success of boreal birds was influenced by distance to pipelines. As part of this project, we did repeated bird point counts at the edge of the pipeline, 200m, and 400m from the pipeline on a systematic grid with 9 survey points per grid. Data are described in detail in Ball's PhD thesis. Data are collected in same way as Manning Linear Effects 2006-2007 project.
Protocol type : Point Count
Dataset Stats:
Records | 1,339 |
Locations | 54 |
Taxa | 49 |
Date Range | 2005 - 2006 |
Access Level | Level 5 |
Code | WILDTRAX719 |
BMDE version | BMDE2.00 |
Last updated | 19/04/23 |