Forest Bird Surveys Fox Lake Burn 2010-2011 YT

Project name: WildTrax

Dataset summary : Purpose of the Study: To provide information on habitat associations of migratory forest birds in salvage-logged and unsalvaged areas of the 1998 Fox Lake burn, near Whitehorse, YT. Individual Owner: Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada - Katie Aitken (Project Lead) Article Citation: Leung, M., H. Cooke, and J. Meikle. 2013. Habitat-Associations of Breeding Birds in the Fox Lake Burn. Unpublished report, Canadian Wildlife Service, Whitehorse Yukon. Study Area: Fox Lake Burn, 80 km north of Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Period of Study: June 2010, May, June 2011 General Methodology: Point counts were conducted at 78 stations in 3 study sites. Two sites were located in the Yukon Forest Management Branch Fox Lake Timber Harvest Plan area, which included small commercial operator fuelwood cutblocks and personal-use fuelwood salvage areas, while the third site was located in an area with some personal-use fuelwood cutting but no commercial cutblocks. All three sites included some areas of unsalvaged burned forest and small remnant patches of unburned mature white spruce. Stations were spaced 150m apart. Two rounds of 75m-radius point counts were conducted at each site. Each count was comprised of two, five minute periods to total 10 minutes. Point counts with playback are not included in BAM/Wildtrax data. For access to these data, see contact email address below. During each count, all birds detected by sight or sound within 75 m of the observer were recorded and positioned on a point count mapsheet, and their behaviour, age and sex were recorded, when possible. Birds detected in the first interval were re-recorded in subsequent intervals if detected again -but noted. Detections were assigned to one of 4 distance bands – 0-25m, 25-50m, 50-75m, >75m. Temperature, wind, and cloud cover were also recorded for each point count. Red squirrels were recorded. Observers: Kathryn Aitken and Wendy Nixon. In 2011 Piaa Kukka conducted all surveys Information recorded which isn't in WildTrax: For every point count: Time, temperature, wind; cloud cover For every detection: Quadrant, behaviour/detection type Incidental observations (Non-point count observations) have been eliminated from this version of the data. Bounding coordinates of the study area: 61.384 to 61.425 deg N; 135.783 to 135.658 deg W . For further information email: "This data was standardized for the Boreal Avian Modelling (BAM) Project and then transferred to WildTrax. Data was initially standardized for the BAM Version 4 SQL database. This was converted to BAM Version 6 Microsoft Access database in 2020 by updating the table structure. Finally, this data was moved to the WildTrax PostgreSQL database between 2021 to 2022 where it is accessible through the secure WildTrax website. As of 31 March 2022, data uploaded by BAM does not include some metadata. This metadata will become available in the near future following the necessary WildTrax updates. Please contact if you require this metadata."

Protocol type : Point Count