Teslin Forest Birds Project 2000-2003 YT

Project name: WildTrax

Dataset summary : Purpose of the Study: To provide forest bird habitat association information for migratory birds in south-central Yukon within the Teslin Tlingit Traditional Territory (TTTT). Individual Owner: Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada - Mike Gill (Project Lead) Article Citation: Leung, M., H. Cooke, J. Meikle, K.Aitken, T. Heakes, and M. Gill. 2013. Canadian Wildlife Service Teslin Forest Birds Project: Habitat-Associations of Breeding Birds. Unpublished report, Canadian Wildlife Service, Whitehorse Yukon. Study Area: Teslin area, Yukon, Canada Period of Study: 2000-2003 2000: 13-21 June 2001: 11-26 June 2002: 11-28 June 2003: 10-20 June General Methodology: Eight semi-permanent (will be surveyed for two or more years) and four temporary (surveyed in 2000 only) survey transects were established in representative forest habitats. Point count stations were positioned 200 m apart along the length of each transect. Point count surveys were conducted from 13-21 June, 2000 by usually one, but sometimes two observers. One hundred and ten point count stations were placed along the 12 transects. Each point count station was surveyed once. Each count was comprised of two, five minute periods to total 10 minutes. During each count, all birds detected by sight or sound within 75 m of the observer were recorded and positioned on a point count mapsheet and their behaviour, age and sex were recorded, when possible. Birds further than 75 m from the observer were also recorded, but excluded from analysis. All counts were conducted between 3:30 am and 9:00 am. Temperature (Celsius), percent cloud cover, and wind speed (km/hr) was recorded for each point count. Observers: MJG=Mike Gill, WAN=Wendy Nixon, GMK=Greg Kubica, JAK=Judith Kennedy, CDE=Cameron Eckert Information recorded which isn't in WildTrax: For every point count: Temperature, wind, cloud cover. For every detection: Sex, age, quadrat, behaviour/detection type Bounding coordinates of the study area: 60.00137185 to 60.41760761 deg N -132.1104064 to -133.1919803 deg W For further information email: Donnees-SIG_SCF_NOR-Data-GIS_CWS_NOR@ec.gc.ca "This data was standardized for the Boreal Avian Modelling (BAM) Project and then transferred to WildTrax. Data was initially standardized for the BAM Version 4 SQL database. This was converted to BAM Version 6 Microsoft Access database in 2020 by updating the table structure. Finally, this data was moved to the WildTrax PostgreSQL database between 2021 to 2022 where it is accessible through the secure WildTrax website. As of 31 March 2022, data uploaded by BAM does not include some metadata. This metadata will become available in the near future following the necessary WildTrax updates. Please contact bamp@ualberta.ca if you require this metadata."

Protocol type : Point Count