Ontario Whip-poor-will Project

Birds Canada

Project name: Ontario Whip-poor-will Project

Goals : Increase understanding of the current breeding distribution of Species at Risk in Ontario and Canada. The Ontario Whip-poor-will Project was launched in 2010 to investigate where in Ontario whip-poor-wills still occur.

Dataset summary : Breeding season data on audio detections (positive and negative data) of Eastern Whip-poor-will collected by volunteers doing roadside surveys. Most routes were based on Ontario Nocturnal Owl Survey routes but some routes based on Breeding Bird Survey and some custom routes. Surveys run at dusk under moonlit conditions at height of breeding season (optimal detectability). Point count duration 3 or 6 minutes. The Ontario Whip-poor-will Project ran from 2010 to 2012 but data set includes additional roadside data collected between 2009 and 2013.

Status : Discontinued

Year started : 2009

Year finished : 2013

Season(s) and frequency : Project complete. No update anticipated.

Frequency : None planned

Geographic area covered : Ontario-wide, though most effort and most records from southern Ontario.

Data validation : Coordinates added manually (e.g. from Ontario Nocturnal Owl Survey stop coordinates in paper files at BSC HQ) if not provided by surveyor. Coordinates plotted to check for transcription errors.

Funding sources : Province of Ontario Species at Risk Stewardship Fund.